Friday, May 27, 2011

Streamside Buffer Initiative Planting Day May 21, 2011

Innes Kasanof clears the grounds for easy planting with her mighty weed-wacker!

Willy Baer gets acquainted with the native seedlings & saplings ready for planting.

Alex Brock plants a young tree at the start of the path leading to the Vly Creek.

Catherine Skalda of Catskill Streams Buffer Initiative introduces the native plants & their ecological importance to volunteers.

A visitor from NYC digs another hole for a tree sapling.

Catherine speaking with Halcott Community Garden volunteers

Catherine shows Karen Rauter and Kurt Reynertson how to best place willow saplings (harvested on site!) into the side of the creek bank.

We had a beautiful cool day to work together creating a buffer landscape as part of our community garden. Thank you to Karen Rauter for securing the funding for this project and to Alex Brock and Bill for gathering the workforce with a lovely handmade postcard mailed to Halcott Community Garden members.

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